Friday 20 November 2015

The cloud is secure. But consumers make mistakes.

Drop box, box, cloud services like Gmail and Salesforce regulated industries increasingly being adopted by organizations and employees. Taking care of your health, financial or legal industry are working, chances are your organization is already using these services are that a large number of employees.

We believe the future of enterprise software and cloud services. They are very simple to set up and use. They facilitate collaboration and mobility. He seamlessly employees they need it and where they need it when accessing their data. And they are very safe.

Yes, that's right. Cloud services are very secure. In fact, the popular cloud services probably safer than any traditional software applications are. First, cloud companies, the world's largest smart security professionals (Tahir ElGammal, which Bonneau's) are some of the services. Second, a much more robust cloud applications and bug-free you install and run the software on a physical server is compared to a daily or hourly basis to upgrade. Finally, these services are compromised if they lose billions of dollars, in order to maintain the protected data are highly incentivized.

So you may ask: why everyone is so worried about cloud security?

The problem is not that cloud services are unsafe, but that their customers convenience and great user experience significantly increases the risk of errors.

Case in point.

You imagine working in a medical practice. His doctors started using a file sharing service (eg, Box, Dropbox, ShareFile, Egnyte). Doctors in each cloud health information (PHI) that contains 10,000 files syncs.

When they all want to access the files, he has 5 different devices (laptops, phones, tablets) sync files, and consequently even more files in sync Other organizations, working with colleagues in a shared folder devices. The end result: hundreds and thousands of health records, each consisting of thousands of individual devices.

Records with an unauthorized person with a record of more than 500 patients a device if lost or accidentally share, according to HIPAA regulations, you have to report the violation. If you have millions of dollars for such violations can be fined. Not surprisingly, most HIPAA violations due to lost or stolen devices are found. With the proliferation of cloud services and synced devices, you simply by orders of magnitude increase in responsibility.

The biggest risk is not to be hacked cloud service and all the data of your employees an unauthorized person files with the lost one of their unencrypted devices or accidentally, but also be stealing will. In short, cloud It is a very simple and 10,000 patient records are more likely to lose.

Sookasa, we laser associated with cloud services are focused on reducing the risk. Sookasa effectively lost devices and user errors by eliminating the threats posed by, organizations that adopt cloud services reduces the risk that a cloud compliance solution.

Sookasa (or to sync), audits secret, and they control access to protected files, your organization's most sensitive data a user unauthorized person loses a tool or even shares So, it is safe.

As an administrator, to any user or device, can revoke access in real-time. You also files in the event, which has been exposed can track exactly.

In summary, we believe that cloud applications are here to stay. Sookasa cloud transition your organization runs smoothly, making sure it can

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