Saturday 21 November 2015

Hybrid Mobile-Cloud Computing Trending Enterprise Mobility

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This cloud computing and mobile computing, the top two priority areas for CIOs conducted by Gartner, a recent study, that is true, the combination of mobile and cloud computing, enterprise mobility opens endless possibilities for all types of innovation has been. By IDC 2014, 80% of new business software will be based is indicated. Your Own Device (BYOD) Bring Given the popularity of mobile cloud applications seem to be the de-facto standard.

What is so special about Mobile Cloud Computing?

Mobile applications as native applications or cloud-based applications can be developed. The advantage of native applications developers to exploit the advantages of a mobile device and device-specific hardware and software you can leverage the benefits. This results in a more efficient application, the scalability, maintenance and security issues, leading to different platforms to support calls for a re-write the application.

Cloud-based mobile application that is hosted on a cloud-based server is a mobile application. The benefits of these applications designed and developed with the cross-platform features, and what needs to be done only once developed can be. The advantages of this approach are many and cloud hosting and computing facilities include an increase in the storage. Moreover, security and management features without any additional costs are taken care of.

The technology to build such applications HTML5 and Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAPs) are. HTML5 such as resolution and display orientation characteristics discovered remote device has the unique feature. As a result, the application is presented with a look that is close to local application can be.

MEAPs mobile platform that is formed in the glue between the device and the cloud-based application. It is hosted on the cloud and mobile device viewports in particular accurately be applied to allow for data that is a platform that features. WebMobi and Appcelerator Titanium MEAPs are some of the currently popular.
Server-side computing and storage requires a huge bandwidth social networking applications, and relatively simple user interface for mobile cloud applications form a perfect candidates. In today's day and age, given the popularity of social media, cloud and mobile computing promises to be one of eternal marriage.

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