Saturday 21 November 2015

Six Benefits of Cloud Computing

The benefits of cloud computing in the advantage of economies of scale has been described as the cloud computing evolution of the Internet participated in the webinar. It makes a lot of sense. At one time you build the infrastructure of a hardware server, your performance and your maximum to reduce overall operating costs can leverage a pool of resources.

NIST defines cloud computing: Cloud computing is rapidly distributed configuration that can be released with the computing resources (eg, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) to a joint pool for easy, on-demand network Network access is a model for enabling minimal management effort or service provider interaction. A pool of configurable computing resources NIST They talk about cloud computing is that the economies of scale means.

In my opinion, the benefits of cloud computing are clear economies of scale that come with, but also includes a number of other advantages that include cost savings. I see them as the benefits of cloud computing are here:

1) Lower costs - optimizing the utilization of computing resources and improve the efficiency and delivery of the joint use of infrastructure - as required applications can be distributed to all cloud computing pool of computing resources.

2) Cap Ex-free computing - a public cloud or private cloud computing out whether to go with the option, cloud computing server capital costs associated with the construction of infrastructure by eliminating provides an improved cash flow.

3) determine the projects fast - servers; and can be destroyed in a matter of minutes, the time a new application deployment drops dramatically with cloud computing. But to install a new hardware server, networking, new server dialed in via a self-service control console can be imaged. Or better yet, with a private cloud, your service provider or support ticket with a single call can dial a new server

4) As required scale - as you add applications as needed, to your store, you can add RAM and CPU capacity. This application demands increase as "just enough" and that means you can buy mass.

5) Lower maintenance costs driven by 2 factors: lower hardware and beyond, IT staff combined. Cloud computing uses less physical resources, power and less hardware to maintain. With a cloud out, your staff on full-time server, storage, network, and virtualization experts do not need to keep. Your cloud provider of specialist resources through economies of scale.

6) resiliency and redundancy - One of the benefits of a private cloud deployment in a separate data center you should experience an outage of your primary data center server to bring in your hardware platform and disaster recovery services Automatic failover between the can get.

Cloud computing offers some strong advantages. Choice of a public or private cloud implementation, application performance, security and compliance requirements will depend on, but with the proper deployment of cloud computing significant savings, better services and can provide a high level of reliability.

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