Monday 18 January 2016

Dropbox, Microsoft Office Online website covers participation

online MS Office with Dropbox Service

Dropbox and Microsoft Office Thursday strict relationship between two services now integrated with each other.

If This Looks vaguely familiar to you, it should be: Drop Box Office, Android and for iOS via their integration with Office applications, and now have moved to the Web.

What this means, quite simply, users of either Microsoft Office, Office Online documents to serve his OneDrive, or to save to Dropbox cloud storage service is a choice. Web service within your Dropbox Similarly, if you open a document within the Office Online will have the option to edit it.

The question, now, how the Office 365 application user open and save documents to Dropbox does? Microsoft's own support forums suggest a couple of ways: First, the analogy works with Office 2013 and the code is running but is a little disconcerting, is another way in which this postand JavaScript libraries: Just add your Dropbox folder, and navigate to it. Sure, it is a bit clunky, but it should be a satisfactory workaround.

Why does it give: Microsoft cloud storage limit when you OneDrive, Dropbox integration was more important. But saving new documents within a cloud storage provider 1 byte and unlimited OneDrive -tyra options, rather than required with, redundancy is a matter of convenience. (Microsoft offers implemented through last October, the unlimited storage OneDrive a "waiting list" Remember that.) Still, it's services that work well together always to search good thing, even if they nominally competitors.

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