Saturday 21 November 2015

Hybrid Mobile-Cloud Computing Trending Enterprise Mobility

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This cloud computing and mobile computing, the top two priority areas for CIOs conducted by Gartner, a recent study, that is true, the combination of mobile and cloud computing, enterprise mobility opens endless possibilities for all types of innovation has been. By IDC 2014, 80% of new business software will be based is indicated. Your Own Device (BYOD) Bring Given the popularity of mobile cloud applications seem to be the de-facto standard.

What is so special about Mobile Cloud Computing?

Mobile applications as native applications or cloud-based applications can be developed. The advantage of native applications developers to exploit the advantages of a mobile device and device-specific hardware and software you can leverage the benefits. This results in a more efficient application, the scalability, maintenance and security issues, leading to different platforms to support calls for a re-write the application.

Cloud-based mobile application that is hosted on a cloud-based server is a mobile application. The benefits of these applications designed and developed with the cross-platform features, and what needs to be done only once developed can be. The advantages of this approach are many and cloud hosting and computing facilities include an increase in the storage. Moreover, security and management features without any additional costs are taken care of.

The technology to build such applications HTML5 and Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAPs) are. HTML5 such as resolution and display orientation characteristics discovered remote device has the unique feature. As a result, the application is presented with a look that is close to local application can be.

MEAPs mobile platform that is formed in the glue between the device and the cloud-based application. It is hosted on the cloud and mobile device viewports in particular accurately be applied to allow for data that is a platform that features. WebMobi and Appcelerator Titanium MEAPs are some of the currently popular.
Server-side computing and storage requires a huge bandwidth social networking applications, and relatively simple user interface for mobile cloud applications form a perfect candidates. In today's day and age, given the popularity of social media, cloud and mobile computing promises to be one of eternal marriage.

Six Benefits of Cloud Computing

The benefits of cloud computing in the advantage of economies of scale has been described as the cloud computing evolution of the Internet participated in the webinar. It makes a lot of sense. At one time you build the infrastructure of a hardware server, your performance and your maximum to reduce overall operating costs can leverage a pool of resources.

NIST defines cloud computing: Cloud computing is rapidly distributed configuration that can be released with the computing resources (eg, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) to a joint pool for easy, on-demand network Network access is a model for enabling minimal management effort or service provider interaction. A pool of configurable computing resources NIST They talk about cloud computing is that the economies of scale means.

In my opinion, the benefits of cloud computing are clear economies of scale that come with, but also includes a number of other advantages that include cost savings. I see them as the benefits of cloud computing are here:

1) Lower costs - optimizing the utilization of computing resources and improve the efficiency and delivery of the joint use of infrastructure - as required applications can be distributed to all cloud computing pool of computing resources.

2) Cap Ex-free computing - a public cloud or private cloud computing out whether to go with the option, cloud computing server capital costs associated with the construction of infrastructure by eliminating provides an improved cash flow.

3) determine the projects fast - servers; and can be destroyed in a matter of minutes, the time a new application deployment drops dramatically with cloud computing. But to install a new hardware server, networking, new server dialed in via a self-service control console can be imaged. Or better yet, with a private cloud, your service provider or support ticket with a single call can dial a new server

4) As required scale - as you add applications as needed, to your store, you can add RAM and CPU capacity. This application demands increase as "just enough" and that means you can buy mass.

5) Lower maintenance costs driven by 2 factors: lower hardware and beyond, IT staff combined. Cloud computing uses less physical resources, power and less hardware to maintain. With a cloud out, your staff on full-time server, storage, network, and virtualization experts do not need to keep. Your cloud provider of specialist resources through economies of scale.

6) resiliency and redundancy - One of the benefits of a private cloud deployment in a separate data center you should experience an outage of your primary data center server to bring in your hardware platform and disaster recovery services Automatic failover between the can get.

Cloud computing offers some strong advantages. Choice of a public or private cloud implementation, application performance, security and compliance requirements will depend on, but with the proper deployment of cloud computing significant savings, better services and can provide a high level of reliability.

Friday 20 November 2015

Dropbox cloud storage for a basic guide for Encryption

Dropbox The most popular cloud storage services is one. Well over 175 million users, Dropbox is a referral program and develop thanks to an intuitive interface that mass adoption was arguably the first cloud storage service. A drop box with a range of applications on our mobile devices reinforces its place, and developers use for all kinds of purposes have figured out how to name just three, server backup, Google Docs and harmony Browser add-ons.

Privacy with the drop box, is a challenge. PRISM company recently has been linked to the scandal, the US National Security Agency allegedly involved in the monitoring program was considered. But for consumers, the lack of encryption is more practical risk.What are the actual decrypted. This is probably the biggest weakness.

Dropbox encryption explanation

Many commercial cloud storage providers offer encryption using AES-256 algorithm. AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard, and '256' to your data using 256-bit encryption key that is encrypted.

Low reserve - - AES 128 about 14 billion years to crack a supercomputer would take. AES-256 is very safe so we can understand that.

Dropbox follows industry standard AES 256 encryption standard tools using your data confidential, but the devil is in the detail. Drop box holds keys for encrypted files. (Compare that with mega).

This allows you to do two important things:

For this to work, some features can decrypt your data.
Law enforcement officials say it so it can decrypt your data.
Additionally, mobile devices, sent by some of the metadata unencrypted.

This drop box data really, truly safe when storing data in the cloud raises questions. Cloud storage is often specifically under the jurisdiction of the US Patriot Act, officials for exposing the user's data is criticized.

Dropbox successful law enforcement applications are one in a million, that is to say. But expressed its willingness to decrypt the (legal) demand, Dropbox has ruffled a few feathers.

BoxCryptor vs TrueCrypt: Dropbox encryption How to improve

Many developers user, not put back in the hands of a cloud storage provider Dropbox encryption that is crazy for add-on tools. Briefly look at a few.


BoxCryptor he is sent to a cloud storage service to encrypt files before it can be used. Your browser allows files that basically any cloud storage service - the Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, SkyDrive works with.

BoxCryptor drive on your computer by creating a password-protected works. Any file stored on the virtual disk can be opened normally, but is individually encrypted. The encrypted file is synced to Dropbox, you can see it only as a local user with the correct password. When the computer is off, still functions BoxCryptor. Here is a more detailed description.

BoxCryptor Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Windows 8 and Android apps for Android. Most of its features are available using a free account.


TrueCrypt is completely free and open source. Protect them with a button, a user of a file or a group of files, or to encrypt an entire disk allows. Encrypted data to provide the password, the drive can be installed, and the decryption mode is activated only when the data can be seen. Encrypted data looks like random characters, so it is not worth raising or a hacker will ever know.

TrueCrypt is safe but dull, and this is rendered useless by malware - you may not know is installed, including malware. Windows, Mac OS X and Linux runs on

Conclusion: Dropbox encryption is better?

BoxCryptor difference between the TrueCrypt encryption method. BoxCryptor by one while a secret files, TrueCrypt a bundle (a container) hidden in all of your files, and then is sent to the cloud storage provider.

In practice, both work well. But with TrueCrypt, your files are bundled. If you need your mobile device support, BoxCrypt go along, your software is free for life if you want to guarantee that, TrueCrypt is a better option

Storage in the cloud should be used for your business?

As a Business owner, you can bring the benefits of cloud storage and be heard. This frees up space in your office, you save money, provide access via mobile and tablet devices, and work could allow better cooperation.

It comes down to the nitty gritty, but when, which provides cloud storage solution is the best? Before making your final decision, to weigh up the pros and cons of each one is wise, though, to take your cash will be happy that there is no shortage of cloud storage companies. The most popular are provided boxes and drop-down box, and here, we work out which is best for you to help.

First, let's consider the price. In these difficult economic times, it is important to keep an eye on your budget to spend only what is wise. Both Dropbox and Box have the option of a free for personal use, then you think about the characteristics to look up and give them a trial run is well worth taking the chance. Prices, though, you want to use solution that will vary depending on how many people. This box so you want to roll out cloud storage across the entire organization, your business may be worthwhile to get a quote, instead of the enterprise user that was designed specifically for noting here is worth.

Next up, what qualities about themselves? We know the areas that have included a screen shot, then see where the power lies in each solution is easy. Compare feature in the briefest of looks, this box is clear that more suitable for enterprise users. This sharing and access, document collaboration, and security is better. These business owners often worry about the most important features that would be.

Security will be important for business owners is another important factor. You're dealing with confidential client information, so it protects your data in any way and there is no compromise solution that is in place is very important. In this regard, the box is the clear winner. For home use, an individual looks for storage, Dropbox is likely to meet their needs, but when it comes to an enterprise solution, really is no competition.

It comes in the drop box vs. a definitive answer is not in a position, if you are a business user, the box that you have been looking for a solution that holds the key Clear. Are you looking to take that route if, Data Center Solutions Click here to learn more about.

Box or Dropbox you ever used? How did you experience, and a cloud-based storage solution you are looking for is for his fellow business owners who would recommend?

How and Why College Students Use Cloud Storage

Notepads and Pens in college classrooms to work with day course, run its course. Innovation that it's really hard to stay current, more recently, has progressed so quickly. The latest technology in many ways, easier living, but many people ignore the innovation of college students may be very practical.

Certainly appeal has gone in recent years, one that has potential breakthrough cloud. This little piece of innovation in many ways, tech confidence could prove beneficial for the student, and the degree of forest is here only to talk about why each high school class is in session while learning about in the cloud I honestly think.

This strain is free!

Working with cloud carefree days as a college student can do more. Regular hours are backing up computer systems disappear, nowadays, every little thing about the cloud can be stored on site. Learning to drive any documents cram their homework and need to move them to other computers. Cloud files, photos, music, videos and documents from anywhere that has an Internet hookup their college can connect the equipment.

Before exiting the dormitory article to print paper Forgot? Paper rests in the cloud, so it's, London bookshop connected to the Internet, and there it is as easy as printing. Stashing a university school of documents in the cloud to enjoy life a lot more valuable to them over time, a student can manage the schedule.

Class Notes saves!

Mainly to take class notes are fashioned in many cloud solutions. Evernote is just one of them. Taking notes on a laptop has several prizes: the people more than they write are increasingly important, and since they, can restructure data, save notes written shortly after his text in the cloud , who looks effortlessly from virtually anywhere.

Sometimes, people writing lecture notes pen, pencil and paper should be used. You also learn hand-written notes in the cloud can store know? Stashing notes written for people who own smart phones is actually really easy. Users snap photos of their paperwork to allow that many cloud applications. Evernote smartphone app immediately direct his handwritten notes on cloud images that will move a new component features. Easy as ABC, is not it?

It communicates with mobile phones!

smartphone interface is a perk. Many cloud service providers are free, the awesome mobile applications, supply. Those without a laptop can connect to their cloud documents, these notes or in between classes to enjoy their cloud music files to a fast glimpse enables scholars ; Just from their mobile devices. If a modification is made to a document, remember, will immediately modify the file on the laptop at home as soon as the user logs placed on a computer's hard drive.

The team plans to facilitate cooperation!

Cloud group plans to stash a fantastic destination. In practice many Cloud solution to support colleagues came to share applications. Systematic application of a project developed by a partnership that will track the document was edited, other classmates when dealing with projects in Google Docs, for example, is exceptionally valuable. Both the app to upload documents and communicate with each other at the same time enables the consumer to the CX "group" is a more practical alternative.

People just can not beat it!

Students at the school to become more efficient approach offers countless cloud. Higher education can be very difficult, but working with the cloud to carry everything around and group activities are a whole lot easier to communicate with colleagues. The following line-up of cloud service providers often well-liked among college students today are:

# 1 dropbox

# 2 Google Drive

# 3 Apple iCloud

# 4 Microsoft SkyDrive

# 5 Photo

# 6 Amazon Cloud Drive

# 7 Mega

# 8 SpiderOak

The cloud is secure. But consumers make mistakes.

Drop box, box, cloud services like Gmail and Salesforce regulated industries increasingly being adopted by organizations and employees. Taking care of your health, financial or legal industry are working, chances are your organization is already using these services are that a large number of employees.

We believe the future of enterprise software and cloud services. They are very simple to set up and use. They facilitate collaboration and mobility. He seamlessly employees they need it and where they need it when accessing their data. And they are very safe.

Yes, that's right. Cloud services are very secure. In fact, the popular cloud services probably safer than any traditional software applications are. First, cloud companies, the world's largest smart security professionals (Tahir ElGammal, which Bonneau's) are some of the services. Second, a much more robust cloud applications and bug-free you install and run the software on a physical server is compared to a daily or hourly basis to upgrade. Finally, these services are compromised if they lose billions of dollars, in order to maintain the protected data are highly incentivized.

So you may ask: why everyone is so worried about cloud security?

The problem is not that cloud services are unsafe, but that their customers convenience and great user experience significantly increases the risk of errors.

Case in point.

You imagine working in a medical practice. His doctors started using a file sharing service (eg, Box, Dropbox, ShareFile, Egnyte). Doctors in each cloud health information (PHI) that contains 10,000 files syncs.

When they all want to access the files, he has 5 different devices (laptops, phones, tablets) sync files, and consequently even more files in sync Other organizations, working with colleagues in a shared folder devices. The end result: hundreds and thousands of health records, each consisting of thousands of individual devices.

Records with an unauthorized person with a record of more than 500 patients a device if lost or accidentally share, according to HIPAA regulations, you have to report the violation. If you have millions of dollars for such violations can be fined. Not surprisingly, most HIPAA violations due to lost or stolen devices are found. With the proliferation of cloud services and synced devices, you simply by orders of magnitude increase in responsibility.

The biggest risk is not to be hacked cloud service and all the data of your employees an unauthorized person files with the lost one of their unencrypted devices or accidentally, but also be stealing will. In short, cloud It is a very simple and 10,000 patient records are more likely to lose.

Sookasa, we laser associated with cloud services are focused on reducing the risk. Sookasa effectively lost devices and user errors by eliminating the threats posed by, organizations that adopt cloud services reduces the risk that a cloud compliance solution.

Sookasa (or to sync), audits secret, and they control access to protected files, your organization's most sensitive data a user unauthorized person loses a tool or even shares So, it is safe.

As an administrator, to any user or device, can revoke access in real-time. You also files in the event, which has been exposed can track exactly.

In summary, we believe that cloud applications are here to stay. Sookasa cloud transition your organization runs smoothly, making sure it can