Thursday 12 May 2016

The main components of cloud computing

Cloud computing requires proper implementation of certain components of successful implementation. Without these components, cloud computing is not possible. These components can not be easily applied by one person alone.

Cloud computing different skills, needs people with experience and background. As the IT industry will need more and more people, cloud computing is a very expensive project, it's no wonder why. But the company will have to spend most of the costs, benefits provided by cloud computing than initial costs.

But somehow, the components to be implemented with the expectation of excellent performance.

Client - The End User

All ends with the client. Hardware components, ready for application and cloud computing will be used in a client. Without the client, will be possible.

The combination of hardware components or software and hardware components: the client can come in two forms. The cloud computing system that requires only certain though is a general concept that relies on the cloud (Internet) applications pre-installed applications to ensure a smooth transition. The hardware platform which is to be the start of something.

Local hardware capacity and software security: improvement is based on two fronts. Through custom hardware with security, will begin without interruption request.

Service - functions in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is always a goal. A cloud computing Top of the main reasons is due to the adoption of businesses as an easy way to implement a business process. Cloud is about the process initiated by the cloud computing and services, always with todeal process with a projected output.
And the development of appropriate end-user demand: customization of services is based on two things. Sometimes, service user, which can be used by their experience is largely influenced by their gadgets.

Basic components of cloud computing

Application - the backbone of service

The service is often as requested. However, the fact that part of it that provides functions, the application is quite different because it is through the application service is realized. Software is where to focus attention in terms of ensuring developers will work as expected demand.

Application optimization is based on the coding developers. Load control, through extensive testing, security and functionality, can apply to work as expected.

"Soft infrastructure" for the Application - the platform

Web site is not regularly deal with cloud computing applications, the application is connected to the server directly. In cloud computing, application is still starting to another application of the platform. Platforms such as Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) or as a Ruby on Rails as the programming language.

At this point, students have chosen to provide cloud computing platform that can be implemented in those that must comply set of programming languages. While the most programming languages ​​can be started in different platforms, is a must for a powerful cloud computing applications with real-time update capability.

Storage - Cloud Computing warehouse

The application knows that all things are possible through storage that can be provided by the service. Storage holds information on how appropriate data and function that they will be implemented.
Optimize storage facilities based on how it is protected from attacks and backup availability. The storage will need to be available all the time as computing and natural consistency of service availability can which is about always.

Infrastructure - Cloud computing backbone

Each function, the ability to provide data storage services and data will only be possible through infrastructure. It could be considered as infrastructure as help deal with the storage back storage platform load of problems.

Infrastructure and storage capacity in a number of applications in which weight is a platform. Have the ability to make some changes by load balancing infrastructure and even management.

These components for cloud computing. For a safe and well job application for each of these components of cloud computing is to be optimized.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

iCloud Apple's : What you should know..?

Today's WWDC keynote presentation was chock full of new and iOS mobile software even more updates to cover in this article. But most "new" coming iCloud by Apple in the fall, a file sharing and streaming service requires a wired connection.

With iCloud and wireless computing, you can use without having to rely on a personal computer touch iOS devices iPhone, iPad, and iPod. In other words, apps, songs download, for, documents and other media will be able to sync your media compatibility between these devices without the use of a USB cord.
know about apple's icloud service

Will be $ 99 cost per year of free iCloud which will take place on Apple's old cloud storage service, MobileMe, if you are not (existing MobileMe users will have to start in June automatically 2012 account , so it's free for now.) not familiar with MobileMe, then you think of iCloud as the new and improved Dropbox account. With iCloud, all your purchased apps, music, camera images will be backed up on an hourly basis, which means you do not need to worry about backing up that data. If you download an app from the App Store on your iOS device, it always even if you lose or damage your iOS device or Mac, you will be on Apple's server to re-download. If your Mac's internal hard drive permantely crashes, all your applications with just a single license you can re-download purchased in the store with your Apple ID devices. iCloud will find entry can be synced between a free e-mail, address, and three devices in the calendar account. I still use MobileMe for many years, and has been, I believe, it has my email, contacts, and appointments very easy syncing.

iClouds when the new iOS 5 apps are released, four new apps and services will make it a lot easier media management. These applications include:

Documents in the Cloud

This app pages via iCloud, data, and created with the iOS version of the keynotes of your lives will match all documents so that they are available to you on all devices. Although it was not announced at the WWDC conference, created with the iWork OS X version of the application documents will probably be supported by iCloud.

Did you Cloud (PDFs, Word documents, etc.) will be able to upload any document on your device is not clear about the documents in the cloud, or it will be limited to iWork documents ?

Photo Stream

Photos are many great apps to take with the camera on your iOS device, but with iCloud, Apple's Photo Stream app to automatically upload your photos to the cloud and back to your other devices below are synchronized. So, to take a picture with your phone and it will automatically appear on your iPad. Photo Stream your free account will be 1000 photo limit, but Apple eventually will sell additional storage space for photo hobbyists and professionals who need that monster. Photos for 30 days in your cloud account with you, you're like, give it enough time to download them on your computer iPhoto library. Photo Stream means that you will not need to open another application to begin the process of uploading.

Also, if you have an Apple TV device, you will be downloaded to your HDTV recently photographed the device, and the like. If you for example to a party and take pictures with your phone, they appear on your Apple TV for everyone to see immediately.

ITunes Match

Finally, iTunes Match. Follow this app and iOS syncing is that you have been waiting for mobile users. This will enable you to sync between all your devices sync your iTunes music purchases. Again, you do not need to create a wired USB connection to your iTunes to download.

In fact, it is meant to match the tunes that will enable you also to all non-purchased iTunes songs on Apple's cloud server. The feet or other feedback regarding your songs and other music will not need to buy from the sites. Apple just will not synchronize your iTunes library with their huge 18 million song catalog. So everyone who owns a copy of a Lady Gaga album whether or not purchased from iTunes, Apple's music album access server

However, though Apple will stream your music to you over the cloud, it will only be music that you own. That means you still have to purchase and/or rip files of music. Access a catalog of streaming music already on a server, like or Pandora, is still a cheaper way to go, and it means you don't have to download or create more and more files of music. 

Also note that of the three iCloud app services, iTunes Match comes at a price. It will cost you $24.99 to 20,000 songs. While these subscription fees are cheaper than the cloud music services of Amazon and Google, I would still rather pay $60 a year to and get unlimited access to the site's music catalog, saving tons of money in music purchases, with no file downloads involved. See my article, Why Is Better Than the iTunes Music Store for more about this. 

All in all, the upgrades and new services coming to Apple's operating systems are pretty outstanding. Apple is definitely taking its customer base into a wireless future.

However, the music will stream to the Apple cloud, it will be music you own. That means that you still have to rip the purchase and / or music files. , Already a list or Pandora streaming music access on a server, is an inexpensive way to go still, and do not need to create or download music files more means.

Remember that this is the app iCloud service, iTunes Match comes at a price. It cost $ 24.99 to download 20,000. The membership fees are cheaper than Amazon and Google cloud music services, I still have the $ 60 saving tons of money in purchasing music a year, pay with a file download and the site's music catalog will have unlimited access involved. See my article, Why is better than iTunes Music Store for more about this.

All upgrades and new services gorgeous been coming to Apple's operating system. Apple is certainly taking its customer base as a wireless future.

Thursday 24 March 2016

10 Mistakes When you try to Build a Private Cloud

 You VentureBeat recently ran a great article  5 Mistakes  when trying to create a private cloud that you did a great job of covering the 5 mistakes, but why stop there? SI could easily more than 10 errors this problem gives a second thought. Therefore, since some of you still do not believe it is full of hail cloud, and the cloud of VentureBeat 5 review, especially when the magic is not enough to convince you that Mirror- mix 5 allowed to throw more you do it, take yourself back to one!

VentureBeat recently ran a great article on 5 Mistakes You’re Making When You Try to Build a Private Cloud

VentureBeat 5 errors of a private cloud are:

1. Do you believe the cloud will solve all your problems.

With so many vendors advertise candidates, you must answer a cloud that, why can not control? Will be discussed in other false assumptions that they are a host of reasons, including, but the most important thing to remember is that not all applications are good candidates for cloud. Public or private - that intermittent applications, full tilt, or that are not always the unexpected good cloud candidates running spike.

2. Do you think you will love the idea of ​​the self.

You keep hearing that the data cloud agility, adaptability, and actionable data - so you can be sure that the reasons to fall in love with the cloud you to fall in love with the cloud it seems that anyone can convince. I could come with you - as the data you can find in the process it takes 3 months to get a product to the market using best practices, and as your organization as a cloud, which is adaptable to run as agile as software, is to get this product to market takes 3 months - cloud or no cloud.

3. Do you think it's good.

Clouds are cool (though they bring rain can cool). And unless you are in a private cloud) business for sale "cool" technology (suckers who buy private clouds, the last thing a business decision should be based on the "cool" factor. You do not buy the technology to solve their problems, which is good.

4. Do you think you will succeed in boiling sea.

Trying to convert 3 ERPs in a private cloud 4 modules that swoop has been strong for 10 years across 3 continents crashes during you tried to add was not ever in your organization to do so, a large iT project. It's like trying to boil the ocean with a giant magnifying glass - a bold vision perhaps, but ultimately stupid.

5. Do you think you will fit your plan organization.

Does the Private Cloud Converged Infrastructure (CI) on breaking stacks of application teams, server teams, network specialist company walls work teams, and the teams. How many Global 3000 organizations a version of the truth across the enterprise? Maybe a few dozen organizations have successfully deployed enterprise-wide SAP and Oracle have?

This is just the beginning. 5 more errors SI courtesy.

6. A private cloud is that you think will be cheaper than a public cloud.

You think you might have a gun magic box that a cloud can be achieved with a handful of magic beans that you can get from a simple cattle trading, but that's about as far in fact as you can get. Cloud hardware, software, dedicated network connectivity, and require power. Lots of power. You will need multiple fiber connections, machines and storage area networks racks, and special software to keep humming machines to kick a lot (equipment software) backup generators in addition to a wall UPS units. Its construction and - - with staff to maintain 100% 24/7/365 and, instead of sharing the cost, you get to pay for it all.

7. Do you think it was built for the cloud technology.

The software is a lot of software, but not all - and chances are that you were not built for use even if there is still a lot of software maintenance under a cloud. Therefore, you'll need to update your current software and migrating your existing data stores while you are in it.

8. partners that your business partners that you think is in error and private clouds is the best way to communicate with them.

Cloud is a connective, but only if it is shared. Otherwise, it is just a large network of local area that need to communicate with your trading partners are widely used by other local area networks. Cloud connectivity is not created - the data interchange standards, and you do not have the clouds!

9. You can protect you better than experts.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho.
It's off to work we go!
We tune the firewall block ports
Through our net throughout the day
We tune the firewall block ports
This is what we like
This is not a trick
To lock down the instant
If ya block port
With a sniffer on a 'NIC
In the net.

And, every darn port firewall can block, and sniff each 'NIC, but the fact is secured, as just as the weakest link in your network - maybe the software you are using software ports you need to open. So how to protect you not heartbleed known bug you are struggling for your corporate of the secret cry dry tears of blood from your IT staff, scan your firewall patch ports, and upgrade SSL . When it comes to security, you're not going to have true security experts - and they need at home.

10. Do you think the cloud can actually be saved.

You have to unplug the only way to secure a network. If you think so, you have a hope in Hades protect your personal cloud.

Saturday 19 March 2016


Mobile Marketing Tips

Mobile marketing continues to develop at a rapid pace and if you are not currently using mobile marketing strategies of your ads, you have already left. Why? For the 70% SMS marketing of all smartphone users to be the best way to capture their attention. After a branded SMS text, QR codes, and received a discount or coupon, 50% of buyers in the US will make a direct purchase. So does this mean for you? Well, it means you are not using SMS as part of your marketing strategy, you are losing sales to competitors who are most definitely.

Here are seven of mobile marketing techniques that have been wildly successful in 2016.

1. Social Shopping

Social Shopping is a combination of mobile, social and shopping experiences in one. If you use your social media platforms to encourage just the right balance, social browsing and buying. Make your target with Facebook and sell things that might be interested in this particular consumer service users and consumers have been doing this for years by data matching.

2. Wearable Technology Marketing

wearable technology in 2016

Wearable technology, is also known as a great jewelry, among other things, more popular and more affordable every day. Your job is to learn and understand how to use technology to your advantage. For example, glanceable your message? It can be used easily in less than two seconds? Visual elements of your messages are easy to see when looking straight ahead or down a wearable device? You are the types of questions that need to be answered if your clients wish to respond positively to your mobile messages.

3. Mobile Loyalty

You should consider adding a mobile loyalty program for your mobile marketing strategy. This time your brand and build your brand reputation that will help you to create custom experiences for your customers. Customers are highly dedicated to their favorite loyalty clubs and as a result you have a loyalty program, which will increase your income with little effort dramatically on your part to buy for you will continue, which will allow them to reward repeat customers.

4. Mobile Marketing Automation (MMA)

MMA is using them mainly for the mobile lifestyle encouraged the benefit of the entire sales funnel around user engagement. For example, if a customer does not complete a purchase after starting the process through your company's mobile app, you were interested in the purchase through the use of its customers to MMA Product or send a customized message based services. You are now on sale back in stock or reference other items he or she may be interested in asking your client's product or service they were interested could send a message. This increase in abandoned shopping cart and great earnings reports to guide your customer to complete a transaction in your sales funnel.

5. Mobile Payments

Providing your mobile marketing campaign to support a mobile payment as part of your income will increase significantly. Clients pay you via a mobile wallet by the goods and services they use their mobile devices to buy from them more often allowed to play like you are the most frequently used tools I will have to give way.

6. Integrated Lifestyle Apps

An integrated since the life of app one of which is referred to as one, combining several apps with similar functions "lifestyle app." Use your company's app for a resource to your customers, it's just the same thing that stands in the app would love to have access to many of the other interest than to switch between several applications. Example: baby carriers, baby toys, baby health, etc., if your business sells baby food, you would not expect this baby to be interested in other baby supplies, like? Yes, they will, and you're going to make it easy to access these objects through the use of integrated lifestyle app.

7. Vertical Video

Vertical videos are the next big thing. Have you seen the traditional video sales messages for years. However, your customers providing a video message they love, but by a different format is the best way to capture their attention. In fact, Snapchat said vertical video ads are viewed more often to the same videos that were killed were nine times more than the horizontal end. And that's great!

The Bottom Line

Mobile marketing trends for 2016 are still being developed, but these hot trends are helping many companies take their business to the next level. It's time to get on board with a winning mobile marketing strategy that will carry through 2016 and beyond. Mobile marketing and to stay as soon as you start, the sooner you will enjoy increased revenue here.

Monday 14 March 2016

Cloud Computing Can Help In Education.?

When we talk about cloud computing, we always talk about the impact on business. In my previous articles, I have to cloud computing, improve efficiencies, cost savings and can reduce the time normally, Businesses Talk about a great return on investment, the same Is. All studies of cloud computing, we can help them achieve human - however, I'm going to talk about something completely different today.

How much earns, but how much it does not know the value of human society. The knowledge to drive growth, and ultimately human comfort. Comfort and the ultimate goal of increasing revenue? However, the value of knowledge goes far beyond the boundaries of material wealth. He knows that, man.

That being said, I believe that cloud computing has a significant role to play in today's classrooms. Let me provide a few examples. shorthanded staff, small classrooms, lack of teachers - I suffer from inadequate infrastructure directly attributed to the very low graduation rates of the schools of our country. Cloud computing solutions can solve many of these problems.

For support staff, a distribution management system substantially free of nationwide or statewide school can reduce the use of capacity on the network. Hundreds of teachers in classrooms small problem, even with the thousands of miles away, in their own homes on their computers can be surmounted by the students attend classes, virtual classrooms. It can also help to solve the problem of insufficient number of teachers. With computers getting cheaper by the day, it does not seem unfeasible. Why stop in the United States? With cloud-based learning tools, can learn from the best in the world.

Now that we have reviewed the prospects for the future, why do not you take a look at this time? In the United States there are many schools already enjoy learning the benefits of computer-based, can improve the process of how cloud computing? Well, there will be a whole lot easier for maintenance and upgrades. Service providers are leaving schools free to devote resources to do the best, will take care of all the nitty gritty - teach our children.

In addition, homework assignments that will be easy to guess. Students may, in collaboration with members of the Working Group on cloud and share knowledge, and make sure they go to school they will not leave their homework assignments. They are the cloud, they can access them anywhere, be it at home or school.

cloud education and technlogy

Move the colleges, schools. Many colleges do not have to give a complete learning experience for students seeking a hardware or software. This problem is especially pronounced in technical fields. However, with sauces and IAAS, a limited budget will still allow students access to the latest technology on offer. They run these complex algorithms and simulation of complex weather patterns will still be something I can only do students top institutions like Stanford and MIT. In other words, cloud computing education can democratize.

Some countries are already moving in this direction. Earlier this month, the
Higher Education Funding Council for England has announced a new program plans to allocate £ 12.5 million will fund joint services in cloud computing at colleges and universities across the country.

Sarah Underwood, said ICT (Information and Communication Technology) magazine and brand editor for education, "Some of these schools and academies are already working groups and organized services, and manage those services so can be easily put in the cloud. this close, maintenance, upgrades, which saves them from the shared costs and they do not need to run it for themselves. "

Ms. Underwood is usually represents a great opportunity for professionals of ICT to promote cloud computing. Security is still a lot of people, especially a lot of questions about data protection - "ICT are going to need people who champion it. Something like this would be the neck and some people working with it will be very difficult to imagine, "she opined.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Safe Your Cloud Documents from Hackers: Use These Free Cloud-Worthy Encryption Programs

Life certainly convenience store in the cloud can make things easier, but also hack your account if you are storing sensitive files, it could be a total disaster. Some encryption services can be expensive, but you just need it for personal use, some do not even spend some really great people. There are three programs that encrypt your cloud storage for free.


DataLocker Windows, Mac, iPhone and iPad are available for a program. It allows you to store your files on your local and cloud and it is free and unlimited. Like BoxCryptor, it allows you to sync your data across all your devices.

On your computer, you will simply drag and drop into your application window by DataLocker with a private passphrase to encrypt the file you want to encrypt. The encrypted file can then be stored anywhere on your local file system or in your Dropbox folder. To decrypt a file on another device, the device will need to DataLocker app. Very easy, right?


Cloudfogger is compatible with Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, and emails, and with support of iOS it works on Windows, Mac (beta), and Android "coming soon."

You can add a list of approved email addresses from users to make it easier to share files without the password to giving any one . Cloudfogger  allows you to Encrypt e-mail attachments  on Microsoft Outlook add-on that . it is also Microsoft Addln


BoxCryptor works with different cloud service and with Windows, Mac, Android Android, iOS, and EncFS-Linux it is Compatible . It allows you to encrypt individual files instead of entire folders or drives and everything encrypt locally without sending to third party.

If you sign up for a free personal account you can encrypt one drive, or if you want more than one drive, you can pay $40 for unlimited personal account. Even through the free one, you can still sync as many devices as you want with no limit on storage space

Comment any encryption programs if we missed,

Wednesday 10 February 2016

You Need to Know: 4 Main Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Model

These questions need to be answered before deciding on the type of cloud hosting that you want to have for your website. You are provided with a basic description and types of cloud computing to help in choosing the right website for your needs.

Cloud computing is essentially a type of computing that depends on the sharing of resources to deal with requests from local servers or personal devices. Using Internet-enabled devices, cloud computing software to function. Cloud computing, also known as cloud, can be used as a synonym for the Internet. Cloud computing can serve a diverse range of functions, the Internet and virtual storage servers, desktop applications and allow for desktop applications. Taking advantage of shared resources, is able to achieve consistency and economies of scale cloud computing. Cloud computing types are classified based on the two models. Cloud computing service models and cloud computing deployment models.

you need to know 4 main Types of Cloud Computing Deployment Model

Cloud computing deployment models

Cloud hosting cloud deployment models represent the category of the environment and are distinguished primarily by ownership, size and accessibility. It tells about the purpose and nature of the cloud. Most of the organizations that have less capital expenditure and are ready to implement the cloud as operating cost controls. The four deployment models, deployment models, it is important to know that matches your site's needs.

Public cloud: The cloud services are open to public use, which are sent over a network is a type of cloud hosting. This model is a true representation of cloud hosting, the service provider and its customers various services and infrastructure. Customers do not have control over any distinguishability and infrastructure location. From a technical perspective, private and public clouds, slight difference between structural design, or may be, except in the level of security offered to the public cloud users by providing cloud hosting for various services.

Public cloud is suitable for business needs requiring load management, managed hosted application that is based on law and applications that many users consume. Decreased capital costs and operational costs due to the economic model. The dealer can provide free or licensed user of the service in the form of a salary policy. The cost is shared by all users, so users get more profit from economies of scale public cloud. Public cloud services may be obtained free is a public cloud such as Google

Private cloud: is also known as the internal cloud, cloud computing platform cloud-based environment department under power that belongs to the corporation which is applied to it is protected by a firewall Is. During their data as private cloud, which only allows authorized users and the organization provides more direct control. What constitutes a private cloud at all? The main variation is difficult to explain because it is classified according to the services. Physical computers, whether they are internal or external resources to host a separate pool for private cloud services. Dynamic or unexpected needs, which are important mission assignments, security alarm, uptime requirements and management requirements that businesses are better suited for private cloud adoption. The obstacles in the way of security can be stolen in a cloud, but can be prone to natural disasters and hazards in case of internal private cloud data theft.

Hybrid cloud: is a type of cloud computing, integrated. It has two or more cloud servers, the private, public or community clouds together but may be an arrangement that individual institutions. The advantages of multiple deployment models are available in a hybrid cloud hosting. A hybrid cloud can overcome the limitations of a cross-isolation and, therefore, the only public, private or status can not be classified in the community cloud. This allows the user to expand a cloud package / service aggregation, by absorption or correction capability or capacity. A hybrid cloud resources are organized and provided by the provider at home, or abroad. This burden sharing between the public cloud and private cloud is an adaptation of demand between the two platforms.

There are significant resources to develop and test capabilities that belongs to a third party that may be located in the public cloud. The capacity must be located within the critical or sensitive. , An e-commerce site, which is hosted on a private cloud that provides security, scalability, security is hosted on a public cloud, a private cloud is more economical than the brochure after the site is not a major concern. Is more focused on security and the demand for their unique presence that can implement hybrid cloud as an effective business strategy for business. Additional resources to deal with spikes in demand required by a specific application that can be obtained from the public. This is termed as cloud bursting and is available with a hybrid cloud.

Organizations can use the hybrid cloud model for processing large data. On a cloud, sales, business and can maintain different data and public cloud to meet spikes in demand effective public cloud began more analytical questions. Hybrid cloud hosting scalability, flexibility and security is enabled with features like. An application program interface of incompatibility, network connectivity issues and the challenges of capital expenditures up to the scene, the hybrid cloud would be a suitable option.

Community cloud: Setup together a variety of cloud hosting that is shared between a number of organizations belonging to the community, ie banks and trading firms. It has set up a multi-tenant computing reservations see that a certain group is shared between several organizations belong. The community members generally share a similar privacy, performance and security concerns. The main intention of these communities to achieve their business goals. A community cloud may be internally managed or it can be managed by a third party provider. It can be hosted on external or internal. Is shared by specific groups within the community cost, therefore, the community cloud cost-saving potential. Community organizations and businesses to the cloud joint ventures, Tenders or research, as well as a central building management capacity to implement cloud computing projects appropriate for this work.

Organizations have realized that cloud hosting is a lot of potential. The best among the rest, you need to choose the right type of cloud hosting. Thus, you need to know and analyze your business can easily get.